Núm. 1 (2023)

The new technologies and the civil justice commons

Francesca Ferrari
Università dell'Insubria

Publicado 2023-06-30

Palabras clave

  • artificial intelligence,
  • civil justice,
  • commons,
  • privacy protection,
  • civil process,
  • new technologies,
  • predictive justice
  • ...Más

Cómo citar

Ferrari, F., & Mustari, D. (2023). The new technologies and the civil justice commons. Revista Ítalo-española De Derecho Procesal, (1), 124–142. https://doi.org/10.37417/rivitsproc/1443



Civil justice certainly belongs to the “commons” and, therefore, systems need to be adopted to prevent its depletion.

New technologies and artificial intelligence tools can help prevent waste of this important resource and enable the creation of a secure and robust repository for civil legal data that will enable stakeholders, researchers and the public to better understand the system and individuals to better evaluate alternatives.

To date, however, data on civil proceedings are very scarce, and to classify them it is essential to overcome some particularly important privacy issues.

A good project from this point of view has been initiated in Italy and is called the Next Generation UPP Project. The Project aims to improve the justice system in northwestern Italy through the strengthening of Judicial Offices (JPOs), technological innovation, and experimentation with new patterns of collaboration between universities and judicial offices.


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